Description / Opis



Ecosystem development, promoting of innovation and entrepreneurship

Mykyta is a serial founder and ecosystem builder. Within last 12 months he showed cased the purpose of digitalization in different sectors including energy, sustainability, logistics, fintech and etc.

He was the key performer and prize winner at Infoshare in Gdańsk in 2023, deep tech summit winner in Warsaw and many other nominations.

He is promoting Poland as a key location for future technologies and invited group of American investors to Warsaw for the very first time in May 2024, to discuss investment opportunities.

Co-organising hackaton in Warsaw in June 2024 which attracted hundred of talents from all over the world.


Company name / Nazwa firmy
Moores Advice
Company info / Opis firmy [1 000 words]
Moores' Advice is a company that helps founders quickly access vital experience and expertise, ensuring their success through a subscription model.

We are the first “How to” agency to avoid time-consuming and expensive mistakes. Like in mountain climbing: you can climb alone after self-education, even without professional equipment (experience) and decent physical shape (muscles ready for difficulties). But at the same time, there is a top-notch elevator meant to bring your project to the pick of the mountain when the friends in the unicorn bar are already there. "Best practices journey for the price of a new iPhone!"

I have had the idea of Moores’ advice for many years now and I was always saying that I would launch it as soon as I find the right people over the globe to create it. It is also the right timing of resources and network as I have scaled 5 startups in a row and participated in 200+ accelerators, startup conferences, and business events.

During our professional careers, we have built companies from scratch, made deals with corporates, and helped to raise investment rounds. We had our ups and downs but as a result, many successful companies benefited from cooperation with us: Beholder, VanOnGo, Accelpoint, KYCaid, Spendbase, Clever Claim, etc. These giants include Google, Bolt, WeWork, Kaspi, Auchan, etc.
Country / Kraj
Poland / Polska
First Name of the person being entered / Imię zgłaszanej osoby
Last Name of the person being entered / Nazwisko zgłaszanej osoby
Position / Stanowisko
Founding year / Rok założenia
Team size / Wielkość zespołu
Company size / Wielkość firmy
Small company / Mała firma
Legal form / Forma prawna
Sole Proprietorship / Działalność jednoosobowa
Company www / Strona firmowa
Sector / Branża
Technologie / Telco / IT
Email / Email

Contest Information

Contest Category / Kategoria Konkursu
Kind of innovation / Rodzaj innowacji
Social / Społeczna
Target market / Rynek docelowy
Global Market / Rynek światowy
Customer focus / Kluczowy odbiorcy
Reach of innovation / Zasięg innowacji
European / Europejski
Person description / Bio osoby [500 words]
Mykyta is a serial founder and ecosystem builder. Within last 12 months he showcased the purpose of digitalization in different sectors including energy, sustainability, logistics, fintech and etc. He was the key performer and prize winner at Infoshare in Gdańsk in 2023, deep tech summit winner in Warsaw and many other nominations. He is promoting Poland as a key location for future technologies and invited group of American investors to Warsaw for the very first time in May 2024, to discuss investment opportunities. Co-organising hackaton in Warsaw in June 2024 which attracted hundred of talents from all over the world.
Justification for Jury / Uzasadnienie [500 words]
Being a foreigner he selected Poland not only as a new home but also tries to do a lot of impact for the whole ecosystem.

Logo, Images, presentation, video / Logo, zdjęcia, prezentacja, wideo

Company logo / Logo firmy [600x600 px]
Who submit the application / Kto dokonuje zgłoszenia
Company / Firma
Recommending institution / Instytucja polecająca
Accelpoint, Google for startups, Polish Ukrainian startup bridge
How did you find out about the contest? / Jak dowiedziałeś się o konkursie?

Entry by / Zgłoszenie przez:


Member since 4 miesiące ago
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